Eco-spiritual space in the embrace of nature

an eco-spiritual space covering 30 hectares, which reflects the rural life of the Great Plain
offers a refuge in its silence, close to nature, for all those who
They are looking for a path of spiritual immersion, away from the noise of city life. Nandafalva in 1979
was established and over the years has become a special spiritual center. The place
It welcomes thousands of visitors from all over the world every year.

Where is Nandavalva located?

Nandafalva is located 25 km from Szeged, 2 km from the Balástya exit of the M5 motorway connecting Szeged to Budapest, in the direction of Forráskút.

Is there a bus there?

Yes. There are buses from Szeged to the Mars Square bus station three times a day, Nandafalva has its own bus stop, so you have to pay attention to that. You have to take the train to Szeged and continue your journey by bus from there.

When can you visit Nandafalva?

The site and the sanctuary park can be visited at any time. However, the church is only open by appointment, so we ask everyone to notify us in advance of their intention to visit.

Do I have to pay for entry?

No need. Admission is free. We'd be happy to show you around if you're here.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti Yoga is an ancient, timeless spiritual path that means the yoga of devotion and love for God. This tradition flourished in ancient India, and its most important principles are described in one of the world's most important scriptures, the Bhagavad-gita . Bhakti is not just an Indian philosophical trend, but a universal worldview that can be valid in all cultures and eras. The essence of bhakti is that a person lives and acts with love and devotion, seeking the joy of God . It does not depend on historical, political or cultural circumstances, but seeks to restore the original state of the soul: a state of loving harmony with God .

I would like to know more about this.

Nandafalva karitatív

Rendszeresen részt veszünk karitatív ételosztásokon, ahol vegetáriánus és vegán ételeket főzünk, majd személyesen szolgáljuk fel az elkészült ételeket a rászorulók számára.Terveink között szerepel, hogy saját földünkön biobúzát termesztünk, abból biolisztet készítünk, kenyeret sütünk, amelyet rendszeresen eljuttatunk nélkülöző családoknak és időseknek. A Te segítségedre is számítunk! Csatlakozz hozzánk önkéntesként!

Adománnyal támogatom Nandafalvát

Mental health professional, self-awareness program manager

Beatrix Tasi


Vegan chef, catering and finance manager

Ildikó Kajdocsi-Gera


operational manager

Zoltán Krasznai
